Noise & Sound

Call Us 02 9449 6499

Our Services

Noise and Sound Services provide the following:-

Occupational Noise Assessments

Your workplace may need regular noise assessments to comply with the New South Wales regulations. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (2012) and the new  Work Health and Safety Regulations (2012) sets an eight-hour energy average (LAeq 8hr.) limit of 85 dBA and a peak noise exposure level limit of 140 dB(C). We can advise on hearing protectors, signage, and noise control engineering.

To find out about occupational noise:View More

Transportation Noise Services

These days we are all affected to some degree by noise from transport. However if we live or work close to busy roads, railway corridors or airports then noise can be more of a problem.

To find out about transportation noise: View More

Environmental Noise

Noise and Sound Services can also carry out assessments if noise in the environment is causing annoyance or has the potential to cause annoyance. For example, environmental noise assessments are often required by EPA for factories, mills, mines and quarries and Councils for new churches, childcare premises, dog kennels, service stations and cafes/restaurants.

To find out about environmental noise: View More

Building Acoustics

Noise and Sound Services can carry out noise assessments for proposed residential buildings to comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements. If you require improved speech privacy or greater reverberation performance Noise and Sound Services can help

To find out about building acoustics: View More