Noise & Sound

Call Us 02 9449 6499

Transport Noise Assessments

These days we are all affected to some degree by noise from transport. However if we live or work close to busy roads, railway corridors or airports then noise can be more of a problem. To try to minimise this, governments in Australia will often require a noise assessment, which may recommend building upgrades, for new developments close to transportation links.

Noise and Sound Services carry out comprehensive road, rail and aircraft traffic acoustical assessments. These consist of the measurement of noise and vibration at the subject site for road and rail assessments. For aircraft noise established noise measurements are used. The measurement results are then used to calculate any required upgrade to the building elements, particularly the glazing, to meet the internal noise and vibration goals. Our transportation acoustical reports are detailed and independent in line with all of the relevant State requirements. Any specific Council requirements for your site will also be met.

Road Traffic Noise

The NSW State requirements for road traffic noise for residential development are contained within the State Environment Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 Clause 102 – Impact of Road Noise or Vibration on Non-road Development. This clause states that if the development is for the purposes of a building for residential use, the consent authority must not grant consent to the development unless it is satisfied that appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that the following energy averaged noise levels (LAeq) are not exceeded; (a) in any bedroom in the building —35 dBA at any time between 10 pm and 7 am, (b) anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway) — 40 dBA at any time.

Rail Traffic Noise

The NSW rail noise and vibration requirements are found, for example, in the State Environment Planning Policy (Infrastructure) Clause 87 Impact of Rail Noise or Vibration on Non-Rail Development 2007, NSW. Clause 87 states that if the development is for the purposes of a building for residential use, the consent authority must not grant consent to the development unless it is satisfied that appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that the following energy averaged noise levels (LAeq) are not exceeded; (a) in any bedroom in the building — 35 dBA at any time between 10 pm and 7 am, (b) anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway) — 40 dBA at any time.

Aircraft Traffic Noise

An acoustical report to comply with the Australian Standard AS 2021 – 2015 “Acoustics – Aircraft Noise Intrusion - Building Siting and Construction” is often required by Council’s Development Consent for sound insulation against air traffic noise for dwellings close to airports.

We provide reports on the required acoustic insulation due to the proximity of dwellings close to airports - e.g. within the ANEI zone of 25-30 contour of an airport. We have successfully produced 170 aircraft noise reports in the last 12 years.

For houses and units the maximum indoor aircraft sound level (LASmax) is 50 dBA for sleeping areas and dedicated lounge areas and 55 dBA for other habitable areas.

We also carry out Aircraft noise reports for developments close to the new Western Sydney Airport (Badgerys Creek).

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